Dream11 Unique Team Calculator

Last updated on February 13, 2025
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What is a Dream 11 unique team calculator?

Dream 11 unique team calculator is a tool where users can check whether their team is unqiue or not before joining contest.User need to input certain data such as contest size, caption and vice caption selection percentage score, 11 players selection percentage score. After entering data this tool will then calculate the uniqueness score by using the probability formula we already mentioned below.

How to use the Dream11 Unique Team Calculator

Enter the required details such as contest size and the selection percentages of the captain, vice-captain, and players. Click on the "Calculate" button to get the uniqueness score of your team.

If Uniqueness score is less then 1 then your team is more likely to be unqiue, but if score is 0 then your team is 100% unique.

Formula for Uniqueness Calculation

The uniqueness score is calculated using the formula:

\[ \text{Uniqueness} = \text{Contest Size} \times \left(1 - \frac{\text{Captain Selection %}}{100}\right) \times \left(1 - \frac{\text{Vice Captain Selection %}}{100}\right) \times \left(1 - \frac{\text{Player 1 Selection %}}{100}\right) \times \ldots \times \left(1 - \frac{\text{Player 11 Selection %}}{100}\right) \]


If you have a contest size of 1000 and the selection percentages for the captain, vice-captain, and players are as follows:

Captain: 10%, Vice-Captain: 20%, Player 1: 30%, ..., Player 11: 40%

The uniqueness score can be calculated as:

\[ \text{Uniqueness} = 1000 \times \left(1 - \frac{10}{100}\right) \times \left(1 - \frac{20}{100}\right) \times \left(1 - \frac{30}{100}\right) \times \ldots \times \left(1 - \frac{40}{100}\right) \]

How Dream11 Unique Team Calculator is usefull in fantasy sports?

To win any contest in any fantasy app, your team needed to be unique, until your team is not unique you can't win the contest, Our dream 11 uniqueness calculator calculates the uniqueness score of your team and tells whether your team is unique or not.

Is using yconvert unique team calcualtor is free?

Yes, this calculator is totally free to use.

Can dream 11 unique team calculator can be used for other sports as well?

This tool is designed for calculating uniqueness of an 11 players team sports, any sports that have 11 players teams can be calculated with this tool, so user can calculate uniquness of cricket and football team with this tool.

How to make a unique team in any fanatsy app?

Everything is prediction and Luck, However we can share you some tips that can help you to make a unqiue team

  • In any team probabilty of coming all 4 batsman in a Dream team is 35%
  • In any team as a batsman only 2 or maximum 3 player should be taken in dream team from each playing side.
  • Top 2 batsman probabilty of scoring more then 30-60 points each is 35%.
  • If top 2 batsman scores more then 50+ points then 3rd and 4th batsman will probably flop or any one of them will come in Dream team
  • If any batsman,allrounder or bowler is giving 60-100 points in previous 2-3 matches continuosly then in next match it's flop chances in 90%
  • If any batsman, allrounder or bowler is giving 60-100 points in previous 2-3 matches continuosly then in next match, flop sequence will be batsman then bowler then allrounder
  • In any team minimum 4 player should be their with selection percentage less then 30%.

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