TNEB Bill Calculator

Last updated on February 13, 2025
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How to calculate TNEB Electricity bill

For calculating TNEB bill, we just follow the tariff plan provided by TNEB to consumers, for each slab their is subsidy of upto 450 ₹ which we already deducted in bill calculation, this calculator will give your final bill, excluding GST(if applied).

For example, calculate TNEB electricity bill for 250 units.

For this we have to part 250 units according to Tariff plan. In this case it comes in ≤400 units Tariff plan. Below table mentions how 250 units are breakdown in parts.

Units (u) Subsidy Unit Range Unit Cost (₹) Amount (₹)
250 ₹ 450 1-100 Free 0
101-200 ₹ 2.25 ₹ 225
201-250 ₹ 4.50 ₹ 225

Final Bill: ₹ 450

Detailed Tariff Slabs

Units (u) Subsidy Unit Range Unit Cost (₹)
≤ 100 ₹ 4.50 × u 1-100 ₹ 0.00
≤ 200 ₹ 450 101-200 ₹ 2.25
≤ 400 ₹ 450 101-200 ₹ 2.25
201-400 201-400 ₹ 4.50
≤ 500 ₹ 450 101-200 ₹ 2.25
201-400 201-400 ₹ 4.50
401-500 401-500 ₹ 6.00
≤ 600 ₹ 450 101-400 ₹ 4.50
401-500 401-500 ₹ 6.00
501-600 501-600 ₹ 8.00
≤ 800 ₹ 450 101-400 ₹ 4.50
401-500 401-500 ₹ 6.00
501-600 501-600 ₹ 8.00
601-800 601-800 ₹ 9.00
≤ 1000 ₹ 450 101-400 ₹ 4.50
401-500 401-500 ₹ 6.00
501-600 501-600 ₹ 8.00
601-800 601-800 ₹ 9.00
801-1000 801-1000 ₹ 10.00
> 1000 ₹ 450 101-400 ₹ 4.50
401-500 401-500 ₹ 6.00
501-600 501-600 ₹ 8.00
601-800 601-800 ₹ 9.00
801-1000 801-1000 ₹ 10.00
> 1000 > 1000 ₹ 11.00

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